Depression And Dysphoria In The Fiction Of David Foster Wallace
Rob Mayo

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Livro novo; R�pido do Reino Unido; N�o ficar� desapontado - New book; Fast from the UK; Will not be disappointed
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Depression And Dysphoria In The Fiction Of David Foster Wallace
Depression and Dysphoria in the Fiction of David Foster Wallace is the first full-length study of this critically overlooked theme, addressing a major gap in Wallace studies. Wallace has long been recognised as a âdepression laureateâ inheriting a mantle previously held by Sylvia Plath due to the frequent and remarkable depictions of depressed characters in his fiction. However, this book resists taking Wallaceâs fiction at face value and instead situates...
Depression and Dysphoria in the Fiction of David Foster Wallace is the first full-length study of this critically overlooked theme, addressing a major gap in Wallace studies. Wallace has long been recognised as a âdepression laureateâ inheriting a mantle previously held by Sylvia Plath due to the frequent and remarkable depictions of depressed characters in his fiction. However, this book resists taking Wallaceâs fiction at face value and instead situates...
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